Rainwater Harvesting in Scotland! Why? Rainwater harvesting in Scotland isn’t something a lot of people, especially homeowners are aware of, or would even consider.
The common perception is “Rainwater Harvesting! We have plenty water in Scotland, and we don’t pay for our water “
Whilst it cant be denied that we do have a lot of rainfall in Scotland, nor can it be denied that we also have a lot of flooding in Scotland and over the past few years there have been water shortages in the summer months.
Paying for Water
Yes! we do Pay for our water; it is part of our council tax and we contribute via our taxes so we can have fresh clean water and the infrastructure to deal with and treat our wastewater.
Business owners, however, are aware of water charges with a lot of business owners now looking at ways to reduce their water bills and re-using water by incorporating rainwater harvesting.
Flooding & Water Shortages
What are the reasons for this? The main Reason Is CLIMATE CHANGE!
Climate Change
A huge factor! and something we all need to address and play our part in protecting our environment.
Climate change presents a significant challenge to our rainwater and wastewater systems.
New Developments
New developments are another factor – Less water is naturally soaking into the ground with more and more rainwater is being caught on roofs, driveways and car parks, then piped to our main drainage networks and water treatment works, which in a lot of cases cant cope with the increased volume resulting in flooding.

SEPA, Scottish Water, local authorities and several businesses are all playing their part to tackle climate change. SEPA recently launched One Planet Prosperity their regulatory Strategy to tackle the overuse of the planets natural resources and have introduced Sustainable Growth agreements between SEPA and other organisations e.g. Scottish Water, Stirling Council, Entrepreneurial Scotland and many more. Scottish Water also have water plan aims to safeguard supplies and the environment “Our future Together”
New developments now also must comply with new regulations introduced a few years back where SUDS (sustainable urban Drainage systems) must be incorporated into any new developments as a measure to reduce flooding
Rainwater Harvesting in Scotland – Playing our Part
How can we play our part in tackling Climate change, flooding and water shortages?
There are many well documented ways in which we can help tackle climate change, but one way which is overlooked is rainwater harvesting.
Rainwater Harvesting – What is it?
Rainwater Harvesting is simply a way of collecting rainfall from your roof, storing and using the water around your home. Uses for rainwater are garden irrigation, car washing, flushing toilets and washing machines.
It is estimated that we use 150 ltrs of water per person per day of which around 40-50% could be used from rainwater. Based on 4 people per house this would equate to around 2000 ltrs of water per week, over 100,000 ltrs of water per year per household which is an astonishing amount of water.
Benefits of Rainwater Harvesting
Water conservation- Save Money – Protect our environment
Rainwater Harvesting Methods
Several methods of harvesting rainwater are available from simple above ground water butts to underground home and garden systems.
Water Butts
A simple and effective way to collect and use water for garden irrigation. Connected to existing downpipes, rainwater is diverted to above ground water butts for use around the garden.

Above Ground Garden Systems
Similar to water butts, above ground tanks can be connected to existing downpipes again for garden irrigation or with additional pump can be utilized for car washing and garden taps.
Underground Garden Systems
Similar to above ground systems but installed below ground with option of above ground or submersible pump.

Underground Home Systems
Underground home systems can be used for garden use and supplying water to the home for use flushing toilets and washing machines.

Commercial Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Above and below ground options are available for commercial premises. These systems can again supply water for irrigation, vehicle washing, flushing toilets and laundry.
Rainwater harvesting In Scotland Solutions
Working with leading UK and European manufacturers, we have stocks access to a full range of rainwater harvesting tanks, systems and solutions.
If you want to play your part tackling climate change and protect our environment, take the first steps and seriously look at rainwater harvesting.
Give us a call on 01236 796644 to discuss your requirements